Pool Cover Party, Spring 2021 - This is the one cleanup activity that absolutely requires numbers, so if you can be there, please do!
Yes, it snowed this week. Yes it's still April. And it's been a long time since we've removed the pool cover! The 2021 pool season is going to happen and we're excited to get the pool up and running. Join 20 of your favorite pool friends this Saturday, April 24 at 9:30 am to get the pool cover off the pool. We need to get the pool drained, cleaned, and filled to make sure the water is crystal clear before Memorial Day weekend. We'll need at least 20 folks for about 30 minutes to help remove the cover. This will happen rain or shine! So, bring a mask, bring a friend, and bring thoughts of summer fun at the Blackridge Swim Club! *** Please email [email protected] if you can help ***
April 2021
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